Vai al contenuto principale

Studio minero-petrografico per la determinazione di provenienza di materiali lapidei impiegati nel campo dei Beni Culturali

  • BORGHI A., FIORA L., MARCON C. & VAGGELLI G. (2009): The Piedmont white marbles used in Antiquity: An archaeometric distinction inferred by a minero-petrographic and C-O stable isotope study. Archaeometry, 51, 913-931
  • RUBINETTO V., APPOLONIA L., DE LEO S., SERRA M., BORGHI A. (2014) A petrographic study of the anthropomorphic stelae from the Megalithic Area of  Saint-Martin-de-Corléans (Aosta, Northern Italy), Archaeometry, 56, 927-950
  • A. LO GIUDICE, D. ANGELICI, A. RE, G. GARIANI, A. BORGHI, S. CALUSI, L. GIUNTINI, M. MASSI, L. CASTELLI, F. TACCETTI, T. CALLIGARO, C. PACHECO, Q. LEMASSON, L. PICHON, B. MOIGNARD, G. PRATESI, M. C. GUIDOTTI (2017) Protocol for lapis lazuli provenance determination: evidence for an Afghan origin of the stones used for ancient carved artefacts kept at the Egyptian Museum of Florence (Italy). Archaeol Anthropol Sci., 9, 637-651.
  • COSSIO R., DAVIT P., TURCO F., OPERTI L., PRATOLONGO V., LEONE R., LAMAGNA G., BORGHI A., (2020) Automated SEM‐EDS pottery classification based on minero‐chemical quantitative parameters: An application on ancient Greek pottery from Adrano (NE Sicily, Italy)  X ray spectrometry, 49, 291-301
  • VALENTINO D., BORGHI A., D’ATRI A., GAMBINO F., MARTIRE L., PEROTTI L., VAGGELLI G. (2020) STONE Pietre Egizie: a free mobile application for promoting the scientific research on ornamental stones of Museo Egizio of Torino, Italy. Geoheritage, 12, (3), art. 61

Agricoltura di precisione

• "A combined geophysical-pedological approach for precision viticulture in the Chianti hills" E. Martini, C. Comina, S. Priori and E. A.C. Costantini In Print In Bollettino di geofisica teorica ed applicata. 
• "Development Of Geophysical-Pedological Combined Survey Techniques For Precision Viticulture" Martini E., C. Comina, Priori S. And Costantini E.A.C. - 30° Convegno Nazionale Gngts - Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica Della Terra Solida - Trieste 14-17 Novembre 2011. 
• "Improving wine quality through a harvest zoning based upon the combined use of proximal and remote sensing" Priori S., Martini E., Biagi M., Andrenelli M.C., Magini S., Agnelli A., Natarelli L., Bucelli P., C. Comina, Pellegrini S., Costantini E.A.C. - Second global workshop on proximal soil sensing - 15 - 18 May, 2011, Montreal.

Applicazioni micro-raman e delle inclusioni fluide in campo petrologico e sedimentologico

  • REMIGI S., MANCINI T., FERRANDO S. & FREZZOTTI M.L. (first online): Inter-laboratory application of Raman CO2 densimeter equations: experimental procedure and statistical analysis using bootstrapped confidence intervals. Applied Spectroscopy,
  • GIORDANO D., GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA D., RUSSEL J.K., RANERI S., BERSANI D., FORNASINI L., DI GENOVA D., FERRANDO S., KALIWODA M., LOTTICI P., SMIT M. & DINGWELL D.B. (2020): A calibrated database of Raman spectra for natural silicate glasses: implications for modelling melt physical properties. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 51, 1822-1838;
  • ANDREETTO F., DELA PIERRE F., GIBERT L.B., NATALICCHIO M., FERRANDO S. (2019): Potential fossilized sulfide-oxidizing bacteria in the upper Miocene sulfur-bearing limestones from the Lorca Basin (SE Spain): paleoenvironmental implications. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:1031. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01031
  • DELA PIERRE F., NATALICCHIO M., FERRANDO S., GIUSTETTO R., BIRGEL D., CARNEVALE G., GIER S., LOZAR F., MARABELLO D., PECKMANN J. (2015): Are the large filamentous microfossils preserved in Messinian gypsum colorless sulfide-oxidizing bacteria? Geology, 43, 855-858.
  • NATALICCHIO M., DELA PIERRE F., LUGLI F., LOWENSTEIN T.K., FEINER S.J., FERRANDO S., MANZI V., ROVERI M., CLARI P. (2014): Did Late Miocene (Messinian) gypsum precipitate from evaporated marine brines? Insights from the Piedmont Basin (Italy). Geology, 42, 179-182. doi:10.1130/G34986.1

Caratterizzazione sismica di sito.

Prodotti della ricerca:

• "RELIABILITY OF COMBINED ACTIVE AND PASSIVE SURFACE WAVE METHODS " Foti S., Comina C. and Boiero D. (2007) Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica, anno XLI, n°2, pp 39 - 47, Patron Editore, ISSN 0577-1405.

• "NON UNIQUENESS IN SURFACE WAVE INVERSION AND CONSEQUENCES ON SEISMIC SITE RESPONSE ANALYSES" S. Foti, C.Comina, Boiero D. and Socco L.V. (2009) in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 982-993. ISSN: 0267- 7261.

• "SEISMIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SHALLOW BEDROCK SITES WITH MULTIMODAL MONTECARLO INVERSION OF SURFACE WAVEDATA" Bergamo P., C. Comina, Foti S. and Maraschini M. (2011) in Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng, Vol 31, Issue 3, Pages 530-534. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2010.10.006.

• "RELIABILITY OF VS,30 EVALUATION FROM SURFACE WAVES TESTS" C.Comina, Foti S., Boiero D. and Socco L.V. (2011) in Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - Vol 137, Issue 6, pp. 557- 632,

• "INVERSION UNCERTAINTY IN SURFACE WAVE ANALYSIS" C. Comina, S. Foti, L.V. Socco Geo-Congress 2012, State of the art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, Okland CA, march 25-29.

• "UNCERTAINTY ASSESMENT IN SURFACE WAVE TESTS FOR SITE RESPONSE STUDIES" Foti S., Boiero D., Comina C. and Socco L.V. (2007) proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Sallonicco, 25-28 June 2007. (vol. CD-rom). ISBN/ISSN: 978-1- 4020-5892-9. Edited by K.R. Pitilakis. DORDRECHT: Springer (NETHERLANDS). Referente del gruppo: Cesare Comina

Cartografia geologica

  • Balestro, G., Nosenzo, F., Cadoppi, P., Fioraso, G., Groppo, C., Festa, A., 2020. Geology of the southern Dora-Maira Massif: insights from a sector with mixed ophiolitic and continental rocks (Valmala tectonic unit, Western Alps). Journal of Maps, 16 (2), 736-744.
  • Bertok, C., Musso, A., d'Atri, A., Martire, L., Piana, F., 2018. Geology of the Colle di Tenda – Monte Marguareis area (Ligurian Alps, NW Italy), Journal of Maps, 14 (2), 542-551.
  • Forno, M.G., Gianotti, F. (2020). The Turin fluvial terraces as evidence of the new Holocene setting of the Po River. Journal of Maps, doi:10.1080/17445647.2020.1768447.
  • Ghignone, S., Gattiglio, M., Balestro, G., Borghi, A., 2020. Geology of the Susa Shear Zone (Susa Valley, Western Alps). Journal of Maps, 16(2), 79- 86.
  • Piana, F., Fioraso, G., Irace, A., Mosca, P., d’Atri, A., Barale, L., Falletti, P., Monegato, G., Morelli, M., Tallone, S., Vigna, G. B., 2017. Geology of Piemonte region (NW Italy, Alps–Apennines interference zone). Journal of Maps, 13 (2), 395–405.

Cartografia della geodiversità e dei servizi geosistemi nella Regione alpina

F. Tognetto, L. Perotti, C. Viani, N. Colombo & M. Giardino (2021)
Geomorphology and geosystem services of the Indren-Cimalegna area (Monte Rosa massif – Western Italian Alps), Journal of Maps, 17:2, 161-172, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2021.1898484.

Perotti, L.; Bollati, I.M.; Viani, C.; Zanoletti, E.; Caironi, V.; Pelfini, M.; Giardino, M. (2020)
Fieldtrips and Virtual Tours as Geotourism Resources: Examples from the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (NW Italy). Resources , 9, 63. - 29 May 2020

Perotti, L., Carraro, G., Giardino, M., De Luca, D.A., Lasagna, M. (2019)
Geodiversity evaluation and water resources in the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Geopark (Italy)
Water (Switzerland), 11 (10), art. no. 2102, Document details DOI: 10.3390/w11102102

Zwoliński Z., Najwer A., Giardino M. (2018)
Methods for Assessing Geodiversity. In: Reynard E. & Brilha J. (Edts.) Geoheritage: assessment, protection and management, Chapter 2, 27-52. ISBN 978-0-12-809531-7, Elsevier, Amsterdam,

Giardino, M., Lombardo, V., Lozar, F., Magagna, A., Perotti, L.
Geomedia-web: Multimedia and networks for dissemination of knowledge on geoheritage and natural risk
(2014) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7: Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology, pp. 146-150. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09303-1_28


Cartografia geotematica di un settore alpino d’alta quota

Cartografia geotematica di un settore alpino d’alta quota: l’area di Indren-Cimalegna (Monte Rosa). Da sinistra a destra, in senso orario: geomorfologia, servizi geosistemici, storia glaciale, geologia.

Progetti legati alla ricerca

2011 - 2015
"ProGEO-Piemonte" project (JCAPC program “Progetti d’Ateneo 2011” - ORTO11Y7HR),
University of Turin - Compagnia di San Paolo Bank Foundation: PROactive management of GEOlogical heritage in the PIEMONTE region: innovative methods and functional guidelines for promoting geodiversity knowledge and supporting geoconservation activities (PROGEO-Piemonte). .

2013 - 2016
National Project “GeoMedia-web”: (multimedia and network for spreading awareness on geoheritage and Geological Risks)
(Accordi di Programma “LEGGE 6/2000” - D.D. 369 del 26/06/2012 - ACPR12_00248.

2015 - 2021
ERASMUS + projects (Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) "GEOHERITAGE AND CLIMATE CHANGE OPENING THE SECRETS OF HOME", and "Geoheritage and Climate Change for Highlighting the Professional Perspective".
Institutional Leader: VAALA Municipality Finland), scientific partner: University of Turin (Department of Earth Sciences).

2017 - 2020
“From rocks to stones, from landforms to landscapes” (acronym “geoDIVE”)
JCAPC University of Turin - Compagnia di San Paolo “Progetto d’Ateneo 2016” - project CSTO169034. 

2020 - 2023
ARCTIC HUBS Project (Global drivers, local consequences: Tools for climate change adaptation and sustainable development for Arctic industrial and cultural hubs)
(Call: H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020 - Topic: LC-CLA-07-2019 - Type of action: RIA) Grant agreement Grant agreement no.: 869580- Luke, Luonnonvarakeskus, Finland, the Coordinator of the Consortium.

2020 - 2021
3GEO – Geoclimbing & Geotrekking in Geoparks
IUGS-UNESCO IGCP project 714



Evoluzione paleoambientale durante il Messiniano

  •  Carnevale, G., Gennari, R., Lozar, F., Natalicchio, M., Pellegrino, L., Dela Pierre, F., 2019. Living in a deep dessicated Mediterranean Sea: An overview of the Italian fossil record of the Messinian salinity crisis. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 58 (1), 109-140
  • Natalicchio, M., Dela Pierre, F., Birgel, D., Brumsack, H., Carnevale, G., Gennari, R., Gier, S., Lozar, F., Pellegrino, L., Sabino, M., Schnetger, B., Peckmann, J., 2019. Paleonvironmental change in a precession-paced succession across the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis: Insight from element geochemistry and molecular fossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518, 45-61
  • Pellegrino, L., Dela Pierre, F., Jordan, R.W., Abe, K., Mikami, Y., Natalicchio, M., Gennari, R., Lozar, F., Carnevale, G., 2020. The upper Miocene diatomaceous sediments of the northernmost Mediterranean region: A lamina‐scale investigation of an overlooked palaeoceanographic archive. Sedimentology 67 (7), 3389-3421 (
  • Sabino, M., Schefuß, E., Natalicchio, M., Dela Pierre, F., Birgel, D., Bortels, D., Schnetger, B., Peckmann, J., 2020. Climatic and hydrologic variability in the northern Mediterranean across the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 545, 109632
  • Sabino, M., Dela Pierre, F., Natalicchio, M., Birgel, D., Gier, S., Peckmann, J., 2021. The response of water column and sedimentary environments to the advent of the Messinian salinity crisis: in-sights from an onshore deep-water section (Govone, NW Italy). Geological Magazine

Progetti legati alla ricerca

Studio sedimentologico dei sedimenti laminati miocenico superiori del Piemonte, volto alla valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico regionale - Progetto di ricerca in corso finanziato dalla Cassa di Risparmio di Torino (Responsabile: Prof. Francesco Dela Pierre)

L’inondazione del Mediterraneo alla fine della crisi di salinità messiniana: realtà o finzione? – Progetto di ricerca in corso – XXXVI Ciclo di Dottorato in Scienze della Terra (Responsabile: Prof. Rocco Gennari)

Geofisica in Laboratorio

Prodotti Della Ricerca: 
•"Imaging heterogeneities with electrical impedance tomography: Laboratory Results" A. Borsic, C. Comina, R. Lancellotta, S. Foti E G. Musso (2005) Geotechnique, Vol. 55, Number 7, Pp 539 - 547.
• "Monitoring transient hydro-mechanical processes in porous media using electrical resistivity tomography" C.Comina, Cosentini R.M., Della Vecchia G., Foti S. And Musso G. (2009) In Pure Mathematics and Applications, Volume 20, Issue No. 1-2. Issn: 1218-4586.
• "Fast ert to estimate pollutants and solid transport variation in water flow: a laboratory experiment" L. Sambuelli And C. Comina (2010) in Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Vol. 51, N.1, Pp 1 - 22.
•"Laboratory scale resistivity monitoring of thermal flows - analogical and numerical simulations under water flux conditions" Nicolò Giordano, Cesare Comina And Giuseppe Mandrone, 21St European Meeting Of Eage - Near Surface Geoscience, Torino, 6 - 10 September 2015.
• "Laboratory scale geophysical measurements aimed at monitoring the thermal affected zone in underground thermal energy storage (Utes) applications" N. Giordano, C. Comina, G. Mandrone, Accepted In Geothermics.

Geofisica Waterborne

• "Waterborne and on-land electrical surveys to delineate the geological evolution of a glacial lake in NW Italy" C. Colombero, C. Comina, F. Gianotti and L. Sambuelli, Journal of applied geophysics 105 (2014) 191-202, http://dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/j.Jappgeo.2014.03.020.
• "Geophysical methods to support correct water sampling locations for salt dilution gauging" C. Comina, M. Lasagna, D. A. De Luca and L. Sambuelli, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 3195-3203, 2014 - doi:10.5194/hess-18-3195-2014
• "First results of waterborne geophysical surveys around the Malpasso site (Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Italy) for geological and acheological characterization" L. Borgia, C. Colombero, C. Comina, F. Del bianco, L. Gasperini, F. Priore, L. Sambuelli, G. Stanghellini and S. Trippetti - 32° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS - Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida - Trieste 19-21 novembre 2013.
• "Geoelectrical measurements for agricultural canal seepage detection" C. Comina and L. Sambuelli (2012) near surface geoscience 2012 - 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Paris, France, 3-5 september 2012.

Materiali Porosi

Arletti, R., Ferro, O., Quartieri, S., Sani, A., Tabacchi, G., Vezzalini, G. (2003): Structural deformation mechanisms of zeolites under pressure. American Mineralogist, 88, 1416-1422.

Fois, E., Gamba, A., Tabacchi, G., Arletti, R., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G. (2005): The "template" effect of the extra-framework content on zeolite compression: the case of Yugawaralite at high pressure. American Mineralogist, 90, 28-35,

Arletti, R., Galli, E., Vezzalini, G., Wise, W. S. (2005): Mazzite-Na, a new zeolite from Boron, California: its description and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 90, 1186-1191.

Fois, E., Gamba, A., Tabacchi, G., Quartieri, S., Arletti, R., Vezzalini, G. (2005): High-pressure behaviour of yugawaralite at different water content: an ab initio study. In: Oxide Based Materials. (Gamba, A., Colella, C. and Coluccia, S. eds.) Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis series, vol. 155, 271-280.

Arletti, R., Mazzucato, E., Vezzalini, G. (2006): Influence of dehydration kinetics on the T-O-T bridge breaking in zeolites with framework type STI: the case of stellerite. American Mineralogist, 91, 628-634.

Morsli, A., Driole, M.F., Cacciaguerra, T., Arletti, R., Chiche, B., Hamidi, F., Bengueddach, A., Quignard, F. Di Renzo, F. (2007): Microporosity of the amorphous aluminosilicate precursors of zeolites: the case of the gels of synthesis of mordenite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 104, 208-216.

Fois, E., Gamba, A., Medici, C., Tabacchi, G., Quartieri, S., Mazzucato, E., Arletti, R., Vezzalini. G., Dmitriev V. (2008): High pressure deformation mechanism of Li-ABW: synchrotron XRPD study and ab-initio molecular dynamic simulations. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 115, 267-280.

Arletti, R., Gualtieri A.F., Di Renzo, F. (2008): In situ study of dehydration of ECR1: Na-as synthesized and NH4-exchanged in comparison in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Zeolites and related materials, Trend, target and challenges, 174, 901-904.

Arletti, R., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G. (2010): Elastic behaviour of zeolite boggsite in silicon oil and aqueous medium: a casa of high pressure induced over-hydration. American Mineralogist 95, 1247-1256

Arletti, R., Vezzalini, G. Morsli, A., Di Renzo, F., Dmitriev, V., Quartieri, S. (2011): Elastic behavior of MFI-type zeolites: 1- Pressure-induced over-hydration of Na-ZSM-5. Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 142, 696-707.

Quartieri, S., Montagna, G., Arletti, R., Vezzalini, G. (2011): Elastic behavior of MFI-type zeolites: Compressibility of H-ZSM-5 in penetrating and non-penetrating media. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181,1505-1516.

Martucci, A., Pasti, l., Nassi, M., Alberti, A., Arletti, R., Bagatin, R., Vignola, R., Sticca, R., (2012): Adsorption mechanism of 1,2-dichloroethane into an organophilic zeolitemordenite: A combined diffractometric and gas chromatographic study. Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 151, 358-367.

Quartieri, S., Arletti, R., Vezzalini, G., Di Renzo, F., Dmitriev, V. (2012) Elastic behavior of MFI-type zeolites: 3- compressibility of silicalite and mutinaite. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 191, 201-212.

Arletti, R., Martucci, A., Alberti, A., Pasti, L., Nassi, M., Bagatin, R. (2012): The location of MTBE and toluene in the channel system of the zeolite mordenite: adsorption and host-guest interactions. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 194, 135-142

Gigli L., Arletti R., Quartieri S., Di Renzo F., Vezzalini G., (2013): The high thermal stability of the synthetic zeolite K-L: Dehydration mechanism by in situ SR-XRPD experiments. Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 177, 8-16.

Arletti R., Vezzalini G., Quartieri S., Camara, F., Alvaro, M. (2013): A new framework topology in the dehydrated form of zeolite levyne. American Mineralogist, 98, 2063-2074.


Arletti, R., Mugnaioli, E., Kolbe, U., Di Renzo, F. (2014): MZ-35, a new layered pentasil borosilicate synthesized in the presence of large alkali cations. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 189, 64-70.

Arletti R., Vezzalini, G, Quartieri, S. Di Renzo, F. Dmitriev, V. (2014): Pressure-induced water intrusion in FER-type zeolites and influence of the extraframework species on the structural deformations. Microporous and Mesoporous materials,191, 27-37.

Vezzalini, G., Arletti, R., Quartieri, S. (2014): High pressure-induced structural changes, amorphization, and molecule penetration in MFI microporous materials: a review. Acta Crystallographyca B70, 444-451.

Gigli, L., Arletti R., Tabacchi, G., Fois, E., Vitillo, J.G., Martra, G., Agostini, G., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G. (2014): Close-Packed Dye Molecules in Zeolite Channels Self-Assemble into Supramolecular Nanoladders. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 15732−15743.

Leardini, L., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G., Arletti R., (2015): Thermal behaviour of siliceous faujasite: Further structural interpretation of negative thermal expansion. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 202, 226-233.

Danisi, R.M., Armbruster, T., Arletti, R., Gatta, G.D., Vezzalini., G., Quartieri, S., Dmitriev, V., (2015): Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural modifications of the microporous Ca(VO)Si4O10•4H2O dimorphs cavansite and pentagonite. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 204, 257-268.

Gigli, L., Arletti, R., Vitillo, J., Alberto, G., Martra, G., Devaux, A., Vezzalini, G., (2015): Thionine Dye Confined in Zeolite L: Synthesis Location and Optical Properties, Journal of Physic and Chemistry C 119, pp 16156-16165.

Lotti, P., Arletti, R., Gatta, G.D., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G., Merlini, M., Dmitriev, V., Hanfland, M. (2015): Compressibility and crystal-fluid interactions in all-silica ferrierite at high pressure. Accepted, Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 218, pp. 42-54

Arletti, R., Leardini, L., Vezzalini, G., Quartieri, S., Gigli, L., Santoro, M., Haines, J., Rouquette, J., Konczewicz, L. (2015) Pressure-induced penetration of guest molecules in high-silica zeolites: The case of mordenite, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 24262-24274.

Arletti, R., Gigli, L., Quartieri, S., Di Renzo, F. (2016) Evidence for the formation of stable CO2 hydrates in zeolite Na-Y: Structural characterization by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, Microporous and mesoporous materials, 228, 248-255

Pastero, L., Arletti, R., Cámara, F., Gigli, L., Cagnoni, M. (2016) Synthesis and structure determination of the novel aluminophosphate TL-1: A new layered compound with corner-sharing AlX6 chains, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 242, 38-46

Arletti, R., Ronchi, L., Vezzalini, G., Quartieri, S., Ryzhikovb, A., Nouali, H, Daou, T.J., Patarin, J. (2016) Intrusion-Extrusion Experiments of MgCl2 Aqueous Solution in Pure Silica Ferrierite: Evidence of the Nature of Intruded Liquid by in situ High Pressure Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 235, 253-260

Pansini, M., Dell'Agli, G., Marocco, A., Netti P.A., Battista, E., Lettera, V., Vergara, P., Allia, P., Bonelli, B., Tiberto, P., Barrera, G., Alberto, G., Martra, G., Arletti, R., Esposito, S. (2017): Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic and Porous Metal-Ceramic Nanocomposites from a Zeolite Precursor and Their Application for DNA Separation, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 13, 1-12, 2017.

Arletti, R., Fois, E., Gigli, L., Vezzalini, G., Quartieri, S., Tabacchi, G. (2017) Irreversible Conversion of a Water-Ethanol Solution into an Organized Two-Dimensional Network of Alternating Supramolecular Units in a Hydrophobic Zeolite under Pressure, Angewandte Chimie, 56, 2105-2109 (doi:10.1002/anie.201610949)

Arletti, R., Giacobbe, C., Quartieri, S., Vezzalini, G. (2017) The influence of the framework and extraframework content on the high pressure behaviour of the GIS type zeolites: the case of Amicite, Minerals, 7, 18-34; doi:10.3390/min7020018

Sahoo,T.R., Armandi, M., Arletti, R., Piumettim M., Bensaid, S., Manzoli, M., Panda, S.R., Bonelli, B. (2017) Pure and Fe-doped CeO2 nanoparticles obtained by microwave assisted combustion synthesis: physico-chemical properties ruling their catalytic activity towards CO oxidation and soot combustion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.
(P61) Fantini, R., Arletti, R., Pastero, L., Quartieri, S., Di Renzo, F., Camara, F., Vezzalini, G. (2017) Structure of natural and NH4-exchanged Sasbach faujasite: a single crystal study European Journal of Mineralogy

Polisi, M., Arletti, R., Quartieri, S., Pastero, L., Giacobbe, C., Vezzalini, G. (2017) Dehydration mechanism of AlPO4-5: a high-resolution synchrotron Xray powder diffraction study, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,

Polisi, M., Arletti, R., Martra, G., Morandi, S., Fabbiani, M., Quartieri, S., Pastero, L., Vezzalini, G. (2017) Zeolite/dye hybrid composites: organization of photoactive azobenzene molecules inside AlPO4-5, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Gigli, L., Arletti, R., Fois, E., Tabacchi, G., Fabbiani, M., Vitillo, J.G, Martra, G., Devaux, A., Miletto, I.,Quartieri, S., Calzaferri, G. (2017) Structure and Host-Guest Interactions of Perylene-Bisimide Dyes in Zeolite L Nanochannels, Journal of Chemical Physics C.

Progetti legati alla ricerca.

Progetto Ex-60% Ricerca Locale Università di Torino 2017: HIPPO: High pressure on porous materials: new applications for new technologies. Durata:24 mesi

PRIN 2015 (MIUR): ZAPPING. High-pressure nanoconfinement in Zeolites: the Mineral Science know-how APPlied to engineerING of innovative materials for technological and environmental applications. Coordinatore Nazionale: Rossella Arletti. Budget totale: 515K€

FIRB Futuro in Ricerca 2012 (MIUR): ImPACT: Impose Pressure And Change Technology. Coordinatore Nazionale: Prof. Giacomo Diego Gatta (Università degli Studi di Milano). Durata: 36 mesi. Finanziamento totale 674K€ Finanziamento unità di Torino: 200K€

Mélange, processi di formazione dei mélange e rischi naturali associati

  • Festa, A., Pini, G.A., Ogata, K., and Dilek, Y., 2019. Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes. Gondwana Research, 74, 7-30.
  • Festa, A., Dilek, Y., Mittempergher, S., Ogata, K., Pini, G.A., and Remitti, F., 2018. Does subduction of mass transport deposits (MTDs) control seismic behavior of shallow-level megathrusts at convergent margins? Gondwana Research, 60, 186-193. Doi: 10.1016/
  • Festa, A., Ogata, K., Pini, G.A., Dilek, Y., and Alonso, J.L., 2016. Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: a global synthesis. Gondwana Research, 39, 180-203, Doi: 10.1016/
  • Balestro, G., Festa, A., and Tartarotti, P., 2015. Tectonic significance of different block- in-matrix structures in exhumed convergent plate margins: examples from oceanic and continental HP rocks in Inner Western Alps (NW Italy). International Geology Review, v. 57, no. 5-8, 581-605.
  • Festa, A., Pini, G.A., Dilek, Y., and Codegone, G., 2010. Mélanges and mélange- forming processes: a historical overview and new concepts: In, Dilek, Y., ed., Alpine Concept in Geology: International Geology Review, v. 52, nos. 10-12, p. 1040-1105. DOI: 10.1080/00206810903557704.


Petrologia di rocce crostali mantelliche

  • DECARLIS A., FELLIN M.G., MAINO M., FERRANDO S., MANATSCHAL G., GAGGERO L., SENO S., STUART F.M., BELTRANDO M. (2017): Tectono-thermal evolution of a distal rifted margin: constraints from the Calizzano Massif (Prepiedmont-Briançonnais domain, Ligurian Alps). Tectonics, 36, 3209-3228, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004634
  • RUBATTO D., FERRANDO S., COMPAGNONI R., LOMBARDO B. (2010): Carboniferous high-pressure metamorphism of Ordovician protoliths in the Argentera Massif (Italy), Southern European Variscan belt. Lithos, 116, 65-76. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.12.013

Rocce ornamentali piemontesi e loro impiego nel campo dei Beni Culturali

  • A. BORGHI, A. D’ATRI, L. MARTIRE, D. CASTELLI, E. COSTA, G. DINO, S.E. FAVERO LONGO, S. FERRANDO, L.M. GALLO, M. GIARDINO, C. GROPPO, R. PIERVITTORI, F. ROLFO, P. ROSSETTI, G. VAGGELLI (2013) Fragments of the Western Alpine chain as historic ornamental stones in Turin (Italy): a new geotouristic approach for the enhancement of urban geological heritage. Geoheritage, 6, 41-55.
  • V. BERRA, A. BORGHI, A. D’ATRI, G.A. DINO, L.M. GALLO, E. GIACOBINO, L. MARTIRE, G. MASSARO, G. VAGGELLI, C. BERTOK, D. CASTELLI, E. COSTA, S. FERRANDO, C. GROPPO, F. ROLFO. (2013): Stone materials employed for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma. Pereira, D., Marker, B. R., Kramar, S., Cooper, B. J. & Schouenborg, B. E. (eds) Global Heritage Stone: Towards International Recognition of Building and Ornamental Stones. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 407, 201-218
  •  vF. GAMBINO, A. BORGHI, A. D’ATRI, L. MARTIRE, M. CAVALLO, L. APPOLONIA, P. CROVERI (2019) Minero-petrographic characterization of Chianocco Marble employed for Palazzo Madama façade in Turin (NW Italy). Sustainability, 11, (15) 4229
    F. GAMBINO, A. BORGHI, A. D’ATRI, L. M. GALLO, L. GHIRALDI, M. GIARDINO, L. MARTIRE, M. PALOMBA, L. PEROTTI (2019) TourinStone: a free mobile application for promoting geological heritage in the city of Torino (NW Italy). Geoheritage, 11, 3-17
    L. BARALE, A. BORGHI, A. D’ATRI, F. GAMBINO, F. PIANA (2020) Ornamental Stones of Piemonte (NW Italy): an updated geo-lithological map. Journal of Map, 16, 867-878

Ruolo delle eredità strutturali-stratigrafiche nell’evoluzione dei margini convergenti

  • Barbero, E., Festa, A., Saccani, E., Catanzariti, R., and D’Onofrio, R., 2020. Redefinition of the Ligurian Units at the Alps-Apennines junction (NW Italy) and their role in the evolution of the Ligurian accretionary wedge: constraints from mélanges and broken formations. Journal of the Geological Society, 177 (3), 562-574. Selected in the final voting for the EARLY CAREER AWARD 2020 of the Geological Society of London (UK).
  • Balestro, G., Festa, A., and Dilek, Y., 2019. Structural Architecture of the Western Alpine Ophiolites, and the Jurassic Seafloor Spreading Tectonics of the Alpine Tethys. Journal of the Geological Society, 176, 913-930.
  • Festa, A., Balestro, G., Borghi, A., De Caroli, S., and Succo, A., 2020. The role of structural inheritance in continental break-up and exhumation of Alpine Tethyan mantle (Canavese Zone, Western Alps). Geoscience Frontiers, 11, 167-188. 2018.11.007. Awarded as Geoscience Frontiers BEST PAPER 2020 in Beijing (China).
  • Balestro, G., Festa, A., Borghi, A., Castelli, D., Gattiglio, M., and Tartarotti, P., 2018. Role of Late Jurassic intra-oceanic structural inheritance in the Alpine tectonic evolution of the Monviso meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps). Geological Magazine, 155(2), 233-249. Doi: 10.1017/S0016756817000553.
  • Balestro, G., Festa, A., Dilek, Y., and Tartarotti, P., 2015. Pre-Alpine Extensional Tectonics of a Peridotite-Localized Oceanic Core Complex in the Late Jurassic, High-Pressure Monviso ophiolite (Western Alps). Episodes, 38 (4), 266-282. Doi: 10.18814/epiiugs/2015/v38i4/82421. Awarded by IUGS (International Union of Geosciences) as Episodes BEST PAPER 2012-216 in Cape Town (ZA).

Applicazioni minero-petrografiche e micro-Raman nel campo della salute pubblica.

  • PETRIGLIERI J.R., LAPORTE-MANGONI C., SALVIOLI-MARIANI E., FERRANDO S., TOMATIS M., FUBINI B., TURCI F. (2021): Morphological and chemical properties of fibrous antigorite from lateritic deposit of New Caledonia in view of hazard assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 777, 146185; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146185.

Architettura ed evoluzione tettono metamorfica della catena himalayana

  • Rapa G., Mosca P., Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2018). Detection of tectonometamorphic discontinuities within the Himalayan orogen: structural and petrological constraints from the Rasuwa district, central Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 158, 266-286.
  • Rapa G., Groppo C., Mosca P. & Rolfo F. (2016). Petrological constraints on the tectonic setting of the Kathmandu Nappe in the Langtang–Gosainkund–Helambu regions, central Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34, 999-1023.
  • Rolfo F., Groppo C. & Mosca P. (2015). Petrological constraints of the “Channel Flow” model in eastern Nepal. In: Mukherjee S., Carosi R., van der Beek P.A., Mukherjee B.K. & Robinson, D.M. (eds), “Tectonics of the Himalaya”. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 412, 177–197.
  • Groppo C., Rolfo F. & Mosca P. (2013): The cordierite-bearing anatectic rocks of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (eastern Nepal): low-pressure anatexis, melt-productivity, melt loss and the preservation of cordierite. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, 187-204.
  • Groppo C., Rolfo F. & Indares A. (2012). Partial melting in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of Eastern Nepal: the effect of decompression and implications for the “channel flow” model. Journal of Petrology, 53, 1057-1088.

Diagenesi, circolazione dei fluidi e tettonica sinsedimentaria

  1. D’ATRI A., BARALE L. BERTOK C. MARTIRE L., PIANA F. (2016) Geological setting of the southern termination of Western Alps, Jour.Earth.Sci., 105, 1831–1858. 
  2. BARALE L., BERTOK C., SALIH TALABANI N., D’ATRI, MARTIRE L., PIANA F., PRÉAT A. (2016) Very hot, very shallow hydrothermal dolomitization: an example from the Maritime Alps (Nw Italy – Se France). Sedimentology, 63, 2037-2065, doi: 10.1111/sed.12294.
  3. INCERPI N., MARTIRE L., MANATSCHAL G., BERNASCONI S.,  GERDES A., CZUPPON G., PALCSU L., KARNER G.D., JOHNSON C.A. & FIGUEREDO P.H.  (2020) Hydrothermal fluid flow associated to the extensional evolution of the adriatic rifted margin: insights from the pre- to post-rift sedimentary sequence (SE Switzerland – N Italy). Basin Research, 32, 91-115,  DOI: 10.1111/bre.12370.
  4. INCERPI N., MANATSCHAL G., MARTIRE L., BERNASCONI S.M., GERDES, A., BERTOK C. (2020) Characteristics and timing of hydrothermal fluid circulation in the fossil Pyrenean hyperextended rift system: New constraints from the Chaînons Béarnais (W Pyrenees). Jour.Earth Sci., 109, 1071–1093,
  5. BARALE, BERTOK C., D’ATRI A., MANTOVANIA., MARTIRE L., AGOSTINI S., BERNASCONI S.M., GERDES A. & FERRANDO S. (2021) Syn-rift hydrothermal circulation in the Mesozoic carbonates of the western Adriatic continental palaeomargin (Western Southalpine Domain, NW Italy). Basin Research, in press.

Evoluzione metamorfica di unità di crosta continentale in condizioni estreme

  • Chandra Singh P., Sachan H.K., Kharya A., Rolfo F., Groppo C., Singhal S., Tiwari S.K., Ranjan Rai S. (2020). Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Karakoram Terrane: Constrained from P–T–t–fluid history of garnet-bearing amphibolites from Trans Himalaya, Ladakh, India, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 196, 10429
  • Li Y., Liu Y.C., Yang Y., Rolfo F., Groppo C. (2020): Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of Neoproterozoic meta-basites and meta-granitoids within the central Dabie UHP zone, China: Geochronological and geochemical constraints. Gondwana Research. 78, 1-19.
  • Groppo C., Ferrando S., Gilio M., Botta S., Nosenzo F., Balestro G., Festa A. Rolfo F. (2019). What’s in the sandwich? New P–T constraints for the (U)HP nappe stack of southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps). European Journal of Mineralogy, 31,665-683.
  • Deng L.-P., Liu Y.-C., Gu X.-F., Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2018). Partial melting of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks at convergent continental margins: Evidences, melt compositions and physical effects. Geoscience Frontiers, 9, 1229-1242.
  • Liu Y.-., Zhang P.-G., Wang C.-C., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Yang Y., Li Y., Deng L.-P., Song B. (2017). Petrology, geochemistry and zirconology of impure calcite marbles from the Precambrian metamorphic basement at the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Lithos, 290-291, 189-209.

Evoluzione P-T-t di rocce metamorfiche e di mantello

FERRANDO S., COMPAGNONI R., COSSIO R. (2017): Metamorphic evolution of a metaperidotite from the Monviso meta-ophiolite complex, Italian Western Alps. Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI-AIV 2017, Pisa, Italia, 03-06 Settembre 2017, Abstract book, 66.

REAL C., CAROSI R., FERRANDO S., FROITZHEIM N., RUBATTO D., GROPPO C. (2017): The complex polymetamorphic history of the Southalpine realm: evolution of continental crustal slices from Variscan to Alpine time. Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI-AIV 2017, Pisa, Italia, 03-06 Settembre 2017, Abstract book, 365.

FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., FREZZOTTI M.L., CASTELLI D., COMPAGNONI R. & PROYER A. (2015): Dolomite evolution from HP to UHP conditions: the impure Cal-Dol marbles from Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). Congresso SGI-SIMP, Firenze, Italia, 02-04 Settembre 2015, Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 35/2, 88.

RUBATTO D., FERRANDO S., COMPAGNONI R. & LOMBARDO B. (2010): Carboniferous high-pressure metamorphism of Ordovician protoliths in the Argentera Massif (Italy), Southern European Variscan belt. Lithos, 116, 65-76. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.12.013

FERRANDO S., FREZZOTTI M.L., NEUMANN E.R., DE ASTIS G., PECCERILLO A., DEREJE A., GEZAHEGN Y. & TEKLEWOLD A. (2008): Composition and thermal structure of the lithosphere beneath the Ethiopian plateau: evidence from mantle xenoliths in basanites, Injibara, Lake Tana Province. Mineralogy & Petrology, 93¸ 47-78. doi: 10.1007/s00710-007-0219-z

Geotecnica per la salvaguardia e la pianificazione del territorio e per lo sfruttamento delle materie prime

  1. Ferrero, Migliazza, Tebaldi (2010) Development of new experimental device for the of study the mechanical behavior of rock discontinuity under monotonic and cyclic load Rock Mech Rock Eng 43:685–695 DOI 10.1007/s00603-010-0111-8
  2. Umili, G., Ferrero, A., & Einstein, H. H. (2013). A new method for automatic discontinuity traces sampling on rock mass 3D model. Computers and Geosciences, Volume 51, February 2013, Pages 182-192 DOI:1016/j.cageo.2012.07.026.
  3. A M Ferrero, M Migliazza, A Spagnoli, M Zucali (2014) Micromechanics of intergranular cracking due to anisotropic thermal expansion in calcite marbles Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 130, November 2014, Pages 42–52
  4. Bonetto S., Facello A., Ferrero A.M., Umili G. (2015). A Tool for Semi-Automatic Linear Feature Detection Based on DTM. Computers & Geosciences, vol. 75, p. 1-12, ISSN: 0098-3004. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.10.005
  5. Alejano L. R., Castro-Filgueira Uxía, Ferrero A. M., Migliazza M. and Vagnon F. (2017) In situ stress measurement near fault and interpretation by means of discrete element modelling Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia Vol. 14, No. 2 (186), 181–194, 2017 DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2017.000

Gestione sostenibile delle georisorse: dalla progettazione di attività estrattive al recupero di rifiuti fluenti e discariche storiche

  • Bonetto, S.; Facello, A.; Ferrero, A.M.; Umili, G. A tool for semi-automatic linear feature detection based on DTM. Comput. Geosci. 2015, 75, 1–12, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2014.10.005.
  • Dino, G.A., Cavallo, A., Faraudello, A., Rossi, P, Mancini, S., 2021. Raw materials supply: Kaolin and quartz from ore deposits and recycling activities. The example of the Monte Bracco area (Piedmont, Northern Italy). Resources Policy, Volume 74, December 2021, 102413. pp. 16.
  • Dino, G.A., Mehta N., Rossetti, P., Ajmone-Marsan, F., De Luca, D.A., 2018. Sustainable approach towards extractive waste management: Two case studies from Italy. In Sustainable management and exploitation of extractive waste: towards a more efficient resource preservation and waste recycling. Edited by Nicola Careddu, Svein Willy Danielsen, Giovanna Antonella Dino, Richard Prikryl. Volume 59, Pages 564 (December 2018). Resources Policy, 59: 33-43. DOI:
  • Mehta, N., Cocerva, T., Cipullo, S., Padoan, E., Dino, G.A., Ajmone Marsan, F., Cox, S., Coulon, F., De Luca, D.A., 2019. Linking oral bioaccessibility and solid phase distribution of potentially toxic elements in extractive waste and soil from an abandoned mine site: Case study in Campello Monti, NW Italy. Science of the total environment. 651 (2): 2799-2810. DOI: (on line printed).
  • Vagnon, F., Dino, G.A., Umili, G., Cardu, M., Ferrero, A.M., 2020. New Developments for the Sustainable Exploitation of Ornamental Stone in Carrara Basin. Sustainability, 2020, 12:9374. DOI:10.3390/su12229374

Eventuali progetti legati alla ricerca

  • Progetto SUGERE (Sustainability and Wise Use of Geological Resources) – ERASMUS PLUS (Capacity Building)
  • Università degli Studi di Torino - Ricerca finanziata da Università (ex 60%) 2018. “Il territorio e l’uomo: percorsi integrati di conoscenza, valorizzazione e salvaguardia”. Responsabile scientifico: Sabrina Bonetto. Durata 2 anni (01/01/2019-31/12/2020).
  • Università degli Studi di Torino - Ricerca finanziata da Università (ex 60%) 2019. “Ambiente naturale e ambiente antropico: conoscenza, valorizzazione e gestione delle risorse e delle pericolosità naturali e indotte”. Responsabile scientifico: Pierluigi Pieruccini. Durata 2 anni (01/01/2019-31/12/2020).

Impatto del cambiamento climatico sulle acque sotterranee

Bastiancich L., Lasagna M., Mancini S., Falco M., De Luca D.A. (2021) Temperature and discharge variations in natural mineral water springs due to climate variability: a case study in the Piedmont Alps (NW Italy). Environ Geochem Health.

Lasagna M, Ducci D, Sellerino M, Mancini S, De Luca DA (2020). Meteorological variability and groundwater quality: examples in different hydrogeological settings (2020). Water 12, 1297. doi:10.3390/w12051297

Lasagna M, Mancini S, De Luca DA (2020). Groundwater hydrodynamic behaviours based on water table levels to identify natural and anthropic controlling factors in the Piedmont Plain (Italy), Sci of the Total Environ 716, 137051. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137051

Lasagna M, Mancini S, De Luca DA, Cravero M (2019) Piezometric levels in the Piedmont plain (NW Italy): trend and hydrodynamic behaviour of the shallow aquifer. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It. 48:2-9.

Bucci A, Barbero D, Lasagna M, Forno MG, De Luca DA (2017) Shallow groundwater temperature in the Turin area (NW Italy): vertical distribution and anthropogenic effects. Environ Earth Sci 76:221. doi: 10.1007/s12665-017-6546-4

Impatto del cambiamento climatico sulle sorgenti dell’arco alpino piemontese

De Luca DA, Masciocco L, Caviglia C, Destefanis E, Forno MG, Fratianni S, Gattiglio M, Lasagna M, Gianotti F, Latagliata V, Massazza G (2015) Distribution, discharge, geological and physical-chemical features of the springs in the Turin Province (Piedmont, NW Italy).

G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3, River Basins, Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources, 253-256. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. 

De Luca DA, Cerino Abdin E, Forno MG, Gattiglio M, Gianotti F, Lasagna M (2019)  The Montellina Spring as example of water circulation in alpine DSGSD context (NW Italy). Water 2019, 11(4), 700.

De Luca DA, Lasagna M, Debernardi L (2020). Hydrogeology of the western Po plain (Piedmont, NW Italy). J of Maps 16(2):265–273. 

Bastiancich L., Lasagna M., Mancini S., Falco M., De Luca D.A. (2021) Temperature and discharge variations in natural mineral water springs due to climate variability: a case study in the Piedmont Alps (NW Italy). Environ Geochem Health.


Interazione roccia-fluido in litosfera continentale e oceanica

  • FERRANDO S., PETRELLI M., FREZZOTTI M.L. (2019): Gradual and selective trace-element enrichments in slab-released fluids at sub-arc depths. Scientific Reports, 9, 16393, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52755-9.
  • FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S. (2018): The role of halogens in the lithospheric mantle. In D.E. Harlow & L. Aranovich (eds) The role of halogens in terrestrial and extraterrestrial geochemical processes, Springer Geochemistry, 805-845. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61667-4_13
  • OGLIALORO E., FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., TIRABOSCHI C., PRINCIPE C., GROPPELLI G., VILLA I.M. (2017): Lithospheric magma dynamics beneath the El Hierro Volcano, Canary Islands: insights from fluid inclusions. Bull. Volcanol., 79, 70. doi: 10.1007/s00445-017-1152-6
  • FERRANDO S., GROPPO C., FREZZOTTI M.L., CASTELLI D., PROYER A. (2017): Dissolving dolomite in a stable UHP mineral assemblage: evidence from Cal-Dol marbles of the Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). American Mineralogist, 102, 42-60. doi: 10.2138/am-2017-5761
  • FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S. (2015): The chemical behavior of fluids released during deep subduction based on fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist, 100, 352-377. DOI:

Progetti legati alla ricerca

PRIN2017 Project - n.2017LMNLAW: "Carbon cycling and Earth control on the livable planet: connecting deep key carbon sources to surface CO2 degassing by transfer processes"

H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 - 956127 FluidNET: Fluids driving the evolution of the continental crust: influence of pathway networks, fluxes, and time scales.

La subduzione e l'esumazione della litosfera continentale: i suoi effetti sulla struttura ed evoluzione degli orogeni

Prodotti della ricerca
CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C., IACCARINO S., MASSONNE H.-J., RUBATTO D., LANGONE A., GEMIGNANI, L. & VISONÀ D. (2016): Middle to late Eocene exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence un the Central Himalayas: progressive accretion from the Indian Plate. (Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128, 1571-1592); 
CAROSI R., D'ADDARIO E., MAMMOLITI E., MONTOMOLI C., SIMONETTI M. (2016). Geology of the northwestern portion of the Ferriere-Mollieres Shear Zone, Argentera Massif, Italy. (Journal of Maps, 2016,
MONTEMAGNI C., FULIGNATI P., IACCARINO S., MARIANELLI P., MONTOMOLI C. & SBRANA A. (2016): Deformation and fluid flow in the Munsiari Thrust (NW India): a preliminary fluid inclusion study (Central Himalaya). (Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali Memorie, Serie A, doi: 0.2424/ASTSN.M.2016.22);
DECARLIS A., BELTRANDO M., MANATSCHAL G., FERRANDO S. AND CAROSI R. (2017). Architecture of the distal Piedmont-Ligurian rifted margin in NW-Italy: hints for a flip of the rift system polarity. (Tectonics, in press, DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004561).
IACCARINO S., MONTOMOLI C., CAROSI R., MASSONNE H.-J. & VISONÀ D. (2017): Geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Himalayan Metamorphic Core: insights from the Mugu Karnali transect, Western Nepal (Central Himalaya). (Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35, 301-325, doi:10.1111/jmg.12233); 
MONTOMOLI C., CAROSI R., RUBATTO D., VISONÀ D. & IACCARINO S. (2017): Tectonic activity along the inner margin of the South Tibetan detachment constrained by syntectonic leucogranite emplacement in Western Bhutan. (Italian Journal of Geosciences, 136, 5-14, doi:10.3301/IJG.2015.26); 
MONTOMOLI C., IACCARINO S., ANTOLIN B., APPEL E., CAROSI R., DUNKL I., DING L. & VISONÀ D. (2017): Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence (Himalayas, SE Tibet). (Italian Journal of Geosciences, 136, 73-88, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2015.42); 
IACCARINO S., MONTOMOLI C., CAROSI R., MASSONNE H.-J., MONTEMAGNI C., JAIN. A.K. & VISONÀ D. (2017): Pressure-Temperature-Deformation-Time constraints on the South Tibetan Detachment System along the Alaknanda-Dhauli Ganga valleys, Garhwal Himalaya (NW India). (Tectonics, 36, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004566); 
PICCOLO A., FACCENDA M, CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C. & VISONÀ D. (2017): Crustal strength control on structures and metamorphism in collisional orogens. (in press Tectonophysics,; 
SIMONETTI M., CAROSI R. & MONTOMOLI C. (2017): Variscan shear deformation in the Argentera Massif: a field guide to the excursion in the Pontebernardo Valley (CN, Italy). (in press, Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali Memorie, Serie A);

La zona di convergenza India-Asia prima della collisione continentale

  • Groppo C., Rolfo F., McClelland W.C., Coble M.A. (2019). Pre-Cenozoic evolution of the Aghil Range (western Tibetan Plateau): a missing piece of the Tibet-Pamir-Karakorum geopuzzle. Gondwana Research, 69, 122–143.
  • Sachan H.K., Kharya A., Singh P.C., Rolfo F., Groppo C., Tiwari S.K. (2017). A fluid inclusion study of blueschist-facies lithologies from the Indus suture zone, Ladakh (India): Implications for the exhumation of the subduction related Sapi-Shergol ophiolitic mélange. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 146, 185-195.
  • Groppo C., Rolfo F., Sachan H.K., Rai S. K. (2016). Petrology of blueschist from the western Himalaya (Ladakh, NW India): exploring the complex behaviour of a lawsonite-bearing system in a palaeo-accretionary setting. Lithos, 252-253, 41-56.
  • Rolfo F., Groppo C. & Gaetani M. (2014). A geological cross-section north of Karakorum, from Yarkand to K2. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, ISSN 1441-8142, volume 47, paper 1.
  • Groppo C. & Rolfo F. (2008). Counterclockwise P–T evolution of the Aghil Range: Metamorphic record of an accretionary melange between Kunlun and Karakorum (SW Sinkiang, China). Lithos, 105, 365-378.

Magnetismo ambientale

Caron, B., Siani, G., Sulpizio, R., Zanchetta, G., Paterne, M., Santacroce, R., Tema, E., Zanella, E., (2012). Late Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphic record from the Northern Ionian Sea. Marine Geology, 311-314, 41-51.

Lanci, L., Zanella, E., Jovane, L., et al. (2019). Dataset of characteristic remanent magnetization and magnetic properties of early Pliocene sediments from IODP Site U1467 (Maldives platform). Data in Brief, 27, 104666.

Lanci, L., Zanella, E., Jovane, L., et al. (2019). Magnetic properties of early Pliocene sediments from IODP Site U1467 (Maldives platform) reveal changes in the monsoon system. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 533, 109283.

Martinetto, E., Tema, E., Irace, A., Violanti, D., Ciuto, M., Zanella, E., (2018). High-diversity European palaeoflora favoured by early Pliocene warmth: New chronological constraints from the Ca′ Viettone section, NW Italy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology, 496, 248-267.

Saragnese, F., Lanci, L., Lanza, R., (2011). Nanometric-sized atmospheric particulate studied by magnetic analyses. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 450-459.


Magnetismo degli speleotemi

  • Isola, I., Mazzarini, F., Molli G., Piccini, L., Zanella, E., Zanchetta, G., Drysdale, R.N., Hellstrom, J., Woodhead, J., Roncioni, A., Milazzo, F., Pieruccioni, D., Regattieri, E., 2021. New chronological constraints from hypogean deposits for late Pliocene to Recent morphotectonic history of the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany, Italy), Geosciences, 11, 65,
  • Regattieri, E., Querci, S., Zanchetta, G., Zanella, E., Isola, I., Drysdale, R.N., Hellstrom, J.C., Magrì, F., 2021. Interstadial condition over the Southern Alps during the early penultimate glacial (MIS 6): the multiproxy record from Rio Martino Cave (Italy). Quaternary Science Review, 257, 106856,
  • Regattieri, E., Zanchetta, G., Isola, I., Zanella, E., Drysdale, R., Hellstrom, J., Zerboni, A., Dallai, L., Tema, E., Lanci, L., Costa, E., Magrì, F., 2019. Holocene Critical Zone dynamics in an Alpine catchment inferred from a speleothem multiproxy record: disentangling climate and human influences. Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports, 9, 17829,
  • Zanella, E., Tema, E., Lanci, L., Regattieri, E., Isola, I., Hellstrom, J.C., Costa, E., Zanchetta, G., Drysdale, R.N., Magrì, F., 2018. A 10,000 yr record of high-resolution Paleosecular Variation from a flowstone of Rio Martino Cave, Northwestern Alps, Italy. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 485, 32-420, https://doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.12.047


Magnetismo e Archeologia

Tema, E., Morales, J., Goguitchaichvili, A., Camps, P., (2013). New archaeointensity data from Italy and geomagnetic field intensity variation in the Italian Peninsula. Geophysical Journal International, 193 (2), 603-614.

Tema, E., Ferrara, E., Camps, P., Conati Barbaro, C., Spatafora, S., Carvallo, C., Poidras, Th., (2016). The Earth's magnetic field in Italy during the Neolithic period: New data from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (Marche, Italy). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 448, 49-61.

Tema, E., Herrero-Bervera, E., Lanos, Ph., (2017). Geomagnetic field secular variation in Pacific Ocean: A Bayesian reference curve based on Holocene Hawaiian lava flows. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 58-65.

Tema, E., Hedley, I., Pavón-Carrasco, F.J., Ferrara, E., Gaber, P., Pilides, D., Toumazou, M., Violaris, Y., Webb, J., Frankel, D., (2021). The directional occurrence of the Levantine geomagnetic field anomaly: New data from Cyprus and abrupt directional changes. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 557, 116731,

Zanella, E., Ferrara, E., Bagnasco, L., Ollà, A., Lanza, R., Beatrice, C., (2012). Magnetite grain-size analysis and sourcing of Mediterranean obsidians. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39, 1493-1498,

Progetti legati alla ricerca

- AARCH- Archaeomagnetic Applications for the Rescue of Cultural Heritage. Marie Curie Training Network (EU), EU funded, HPRN-CT-2002-00219, (2003-2006). Leggi il progetto

- GALILEO 2012-2013: ‘Magnetismo delle rocce a servizio del patrimonio culturale: Uno strumento importante per la datazione e per la comprensione della tecnologia delle strutture cotte nell’antichità/ Le magnétisme des roches au service du patrimoine culturel: Un outil pour la datation des terres cuites archéologiques’. Funded by the Italian-French University- Galileo Collaboration Program.

- BE ARCHAEO-Beyond Archaeology: An advanced approach linking East to West through science, field archaeology, interactive museum experiences. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 (18/02/2019-17/02/2023). Leggi il Progetto su Cordis Europa

- SAGA- The Soil Science & Archaeo-geophysics Alliance: going beyond prospection. COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology – Action CA17131 (26/10/2018-25/10/2022).


Misura e monitoraggio del gas radon in siti di vulcanismo attivo

Prodotti della ricerca/Research Products

Cigolini C., Laiolo M., Coppola D., Trovato C., Borgogno G. (2018). Radon surveys and monitoring at active volcanoes: what we learned from Vesuvius, Stromboli, La Soufrière and Villarrica. In Perrier F. & Gillmore J. Eds. “Radon and its progeny: perspectives in environmental and health sciences”. Geological Society  London Spec. Pubbl., 451,

Laiolo, M., Ranaldi, M., Tarchini, L., Carapezza, M.L., Coppola, D., Ricci, T., Cigolini, C. (2016) The effects of environmental parameters on diffuse degassing at Stromboli volcano: Insights from joint monitoring of soil CO2 flux and radon activity. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 315, 65-78.

Cigolini C., M. Laiolo, G. Ulivieri, D. Coppola, M. Ripepe  (2013)  Radon mapping, automatic measurements and extremely high 222Rn emissions during the 2002–2007 eruptive scenarios at Stromboli volcano,  J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 264,  49- 65.

Cigolini C., Poggi P., Ripepe M., Laiolo M., Ciamberlini C., Delle Donne D., Ulivieri G., Coppola D., Lacanna G., Marchetti E., Piscopo D. & Genco R. (2009) Radon surveys and real-time monitoring at Stromboli volcano: Influence of soil temperature, atmospheric pressure and tidal forces on 222Rn degassing. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 184(3-4): 381-388.

Cigolini C., Laiolo M, Coppola D. (2007). Earthquake-volcano interactions detected from radon degassing at Stromboli (Italy). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 257, 511-525.

Modificazioni strutturali nei feldspati


Curetti N, Benna P, Bruno E (2017) High-pressure structural configuration and phase transition in celsian, BaAl2Si2O8. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44:181-192. doi: 10.1007/s00269-016-0847-0

Curetti N, Benna P, Bruno E (2015) High-pressure equation of state and phase transition in PbAl2Si2O8 feldspar. American Mineralogist, 100:1568-1577. doi: 10.2138/am-2015-5000.

Curetti N, Benna P, Bruno E (2015) Compressibility and high-pressure behaviour of lead feldspar. Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia, XLIV Annual Meeting, Abstracst  130, Vercelli

Bertolotti F, Curetti N, Benna P, Gervasio G (2013) The effects of P-T changes on intermolecular interactions in crystal structure of iodoform. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1041:106-112. DOI 0.1016/j.molstruc.2013.03.002

Curetti N, Benna P, Ivaldi G, Nestola F, Bruno E (2012) High-pressure phase transition in lead feldspar (PbAl2Si2O8). AIC, XLI CN, Abstracst 130, Verona

Bertolotti F, Curetti N, Benna P, Gervasio G (2012)The effects of P-T changes on intermolecular interactions in iodoform crystal structure. Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia, XLI Congresso Nazionale, Abstracst 111, Verona

Gatta GD, Merlini M, Rotiroti N, Curetti N, Pavese A (2011) On the crystal chemistry and elastic behavior of a phlogopite 3T. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38:655-664. DOI 10.1007/s00269-011-0438-z

Benna P, Curetti N, Nestola F, Bruno E (2011) High-pressure phase transitions in alkaline-earth feldspars. VIII FIST 4, 212-213, Torino

Curetti N, Benna P, Nestola F, Bruno E (2011) High-pressure structural configurations of celsian. VIII FIST 4, 213, Torino

Curetti N, Sochalski-Kolbus L, Angel RJ, Benna P, Nestola F, Bruno E (2011) High-pressure structural evolution and equation of state of analbite. American Mineralogist, 96:383-392. DOI 10.2138/am.2011.3604


Modificazioni strutturali e transizioni di fase indotte dalla pressione e dalla temperatura nei feldspati

Dalle materie prime del sistema Terra alle applicazioni tecnologiche: studi cristallochimici e strutturali (PRIN 2010/2011)

Monitoraggio vulcanico globale dallo spazio

Coppola, D., Laiolo, M., Cigolini, C., Massimetti, F., Ripepe, M., Barsotti, S., Bucaray, C., Centeno, R.G., Cevuard, S., Chigna. G, Garaebiti, E., Griswold, J., Lara, L., López,C.M., Macedo, O., Mahinda, C., Ogburn, S., Ramon, P., Ramos, D., Peltier, A., Saunders. S., Van Dalfsen, E., Varley, N., William R., (In Prep). Thermal remote sensing for global volcano monitoring: Experiences from the MIROVA system. In: “The Impact of Open Science for Evaluation of Volcanic Hazards “, Trasatti, E., Parks, M., Costa F., Eds. Frontiers in Volcanology (In prep.)

Valade, S.; Ley, A.; Massimetti, F.; D’Hondt, O.; Laiolo, M.; Coppola, D.; Loibl, D.; Hellwich, O.; Walter, T.R. (2019) Towards Global Volcano Monitoring Using Multisensor Sentinel Missions and Artificial Intelligence: The MOUNTS Monitoring System. Remote Sens., 11, 1528.

Reath, K., Pritchard, M., Poland, M., Delgado, F., Carn, S., Coppola, D., Andrews, B., Ebmeier, S.K., Rumpf, E., Henderson, S., Baker, S., Lundgren P., Wright, R., Biggs, J., Lopez, T., Wauthier, C., Moruzzi, S., Alcott,A., Wessels, R., Griswold, J., Ogburn, S., Loughlin, S., Meyer, F., Vaughan, G., Bagardi, M., (2019). Thermal, deformation, and degassing remote sensing time-series (A.D. 2000-2017) at the 47 most active volcanoes in Latin America: Implications for volcanic systems. Journal Geophysical Research 124 (1), pp. 195-218;

Ripepe, M., Pistolesi, M., Coppola, D., Delle Donne, D., Genco, R., Lacanna, G., Laiolo, M., Marchetti, E., Ulivieri, G.,  Valade, S., (2017). Forecasting effusive dynamic and decompression rates by magmastatic model at open-vent volcanoes. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 3885.

Laiolo, M., Coppola, D., Barahona, F., Benítez, J.E., Cigolini, C., Escobar, D., Funes, R., Gutierrez, E., Henriquez, B., Hernandez, A., Montalvo, F., Olmos, R., Ripepe, M., Finizola, A., (2017). Evidences of volcanic unrest on high-temperature fumaroles by satellite thermal monitoring: The case of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 340, p. 170–179.

Coppola, D., Laiolo, M., Cigolini, C., Delle Donne, D., Ripepe, M., (2016). Enhanced volcanic hot-spot detection using MODIS IR data: results from the MIROVA system. In: Harris, A.J.L., De Groeve, T., Garel, F., Carn, S.A. (Eds.), Detecting, Modelling and Responding to Effusive Eruptions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 426, p. 181-205.

Coppola, D.; Laiolo, M. Delle Donne, D. Ripepe, M., Cigolini, C. (2014). Hot-spot detection and characterization of strombolian activity from MODIS infrared data. International Journal Remote Sensing, vol. 35(9), p.  3403-3426.

Paleomagnetismo applicato alla vulcanologia

Agrò A., Zanella E., Le Pennec J.C., Temel A., 2017. Complex remanent magnetization in the Kızılkaya Ignimbrite (Central Anatolia): implication for paleomagnetic directions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 336, 68-80, doi:10.1016/j.volgeores.2017.02.007

Airoldi G., Muirhead J.D., Long S.M., Zanella E., White J.D.L., 2016. Flow dynamics in mid-Jurassic dikes and sills of the Ferrar large igneous province and implications for long-distance magma transport. Tectonophysics, 683, 182-199, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.029

Di Vito M., Zanella E., Gurioli L., Lanza R., Sulpizio R., Bishop J., Tema E., Boenzi G., Laforgia E., 2009. The Afragola settlement near Vesuvius, Italy: The destruction and abandonment of a Bronze Age village revealed by archaeology, volcanology and rock magnetism. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.11.006

Giordano G., Zanella E., Trolese M., Baffioni C., Vona A., Caricchi C., De Benedetti A.A., Corrado S., Romano C., Sulpizio R., Geshi N., 2018. Thermal interactions of the AD79 Vesuvius pyroclastic density currents and their deposits at Villa dei Papiri (Herculaneum archaeological site, Italy). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 490, 180-192, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.03.023

Tema E., Zanella E., Pavón-Carrasco F. J., Kondopoulou D., Pavlides S., 2015. Palaeomagnetic analysis on pottery as indicator for the pyroclastic flows deposit temperature: New data and statistical interpretation from the Minoan eruption of Santorini, Greece. Geophysical International Journal, 203, 33-47, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv267.



Petrologia Sperimentale

De Cristofaro, S.P, Arzilli, F., Giordano, D., Polo, L., Janasi, V., Fanara, S., Burton, M., Polacci, M., González-García, D. & Masotta, M. (2019). Pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive conditions of Caxias do Sul silicic magmas (Paraná Magmatic Province, Brazil): Crystallisation kinetics of dacitic melts. Joint Congress SIMP-SGI-SoGeI, Parma, Italy (submitted).

González-García, D., Vetere, F., Behrens, H., Petrelli, M., Morgavi, D., & Perugini, D. (2019). Interdiffusion of major elements at atmospheric pressure between natural shoshonitic and rhyolitic melts. American Mineralogist.

Polo L.A., Giordano D., Janasi V., Freitas-Guiaraes L. (2018). Effusive silicic volcanism in in the Paraná Magmatic Province, South Brazil: Physico-chemical conditions of storage and eruption and considerations on the rheological behaviour during emplacement.  J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res. 355, 115 - 135.

Giordano D., La Felice S., Arzilli F., De Cristofaro S.P., Masotta M., Polo L. (2017). Il vulcanismo effusivo acido del Monte Amiata: stima delle condizioni pre-eruttive ed implicazioni vulcanologiche. Effusive acidic volcanism of Monte Amiata: estimates of pre- and syn-eruptive conditions and volcanological implications. Capitolo monografia Amiata.

Arzilli F, Polacci M, Baker DR, Landi P, Giordano D, Mancini L. (2016). A new tool for resolving crystal feldspars phases in X-ray microtomographic images of crystallized natural magmas and synthetic analogues. Am. Mineral. 101, 2301 – 2311



Produzione, trasporto, fissazione e degassamento di carbonio in sistemi orogenici attivi

  • Ferrando S., Petrelli M., Frezzotti M.L. (2019). Gradual and selective trace-element enrichments in slab-released fluids at sub-arc depths. Scientific Reports, 9, 16393. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52755-9
  • Girault F., Adhikari L.B., France-Lanord C., Agrinier P., Koirala B., Bhattarai M., Mahat S., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Bollinger L., Perrier F. (2018): Persistent CO2 emissions and hydrothermal unrest following the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Nature Communications, 9, 2956.
  • Rapa G. Groppo C., Rolfo F., Petrelli M., Mosca P. Perugini D. (2017). Titanite-bearing calc-silicate rocks constrain timing, duration and magnitude of metamorphic CO2 degassing in the Himalayan belt. Lithos, 292–293, 364–378.
  • Groppo C., Rolfo F., Castelli D., Mosca P. (2017). Metamorphic CO2 production in collisional orogens: petrologic constraints from phase diagram modeling of Himalayan, scapolite-bearing, calc-silicate rocks in the NKC(F)MAS(T)-HC system. Journal of Petrology, 58, 53-83.
  • Ferrando S., Groppo C., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D., Proyer A. (2017). Dissolving dolomite in a stable UHP mineral assemblage: evidence from Cal-Dol marbles of the Dora-Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps). American Mineralogist, 102, 42-60.


Progetti legati alla ricerca

PRIN2017 Project - n.2017LMNLAW: "Carbon cycling and Earth control on the livable planet: connecting deep key carbon sources to surface CO2 degassing by transfer processes"

Quantificazione del bilancio magmatico

Coppola, D., M. Laiolo, F. Massimetti & C. Cigolini (2019) Monitoring endogenous growth of open-vent volcanoes by balancing thermal and SO2 emissions data derived from space. Scientific Reports, 9: 9394,

Coppola, D., Barsotti, S., Cigolini, C., Laiolo, M., Pfeffer M.A., Ripepe, M. (2019). Monitoring the time-averaged discharge rates, volumes and emplacement style of large lava flows by using MIROVA system: the case of the 2014-2015 eruption at Holuhraun (Iceland). Annals of Geophysics, 61, accepted manuscript ;

Laiolo, M., Ripepe, M., Cigolini, C., Coppola, D., Della Schiava, M., Genco, R., Innocenti, L., Lacanna, G., Marchetti, E., Massimetti, F., Silengo, M.C. (2019). Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magma Migration in Shallow Feeding System of Mount Etna Volcano. Remote Sens. 11(10), p. 1182;

D’Aleo, R., Bitetto, M., Delle Donne, D., Coltelli, M., Coppola, D., McCormick Kilbride, B., Pecora, E., Ripepe, M., Salem, L. C., Tamburello, G., Aiuppa, A. (2019). Understanding the SO2 Degassing Budget of Mt Etna’s Paroxysms: First Clues From the December 2015 Sequence. Front. Earth Sci. 6: 239.

Laiolo, M., Massimetti, F., Cigolini, C., Ripepe, M., & Coppola, D. (2018). Long-term eruptive trends from space-based thermal and SO2 emissions: A comparative analysis of stromboli, batu tara and tinakula volcanoes. Bulletin of Volcanology, 80(9)

Aiuppa A, de Moor JM, Arellano S, Coppola D, Francofonte V, Galle B, Giudice G, Liuzzo M, Mendoza E, Saballos A, Tamburello G, Battaglia A, Bitetto M, Gurrieri S, Laiolo M., Mastrolia A, Moretti M (2018) Tracking formation of a lava lake from ground and space: Masaya volcano (Nicaragua), 2014–2017. Geochem Geophys Geosyst 19 (2): 496-515.

Coppola D, Laiolo M., Franchi A, Massimetti F, Cigolini C, Lara LE (2017) Measuring effusion rates of obsidian lava flows by means of satellite thermal data. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 347, 82-90.

Coppola, D., Ripepe, M., Laiolo, M., Cigolini, C. (2017) Modelling Satellite-derived magma discharge to explain caldera collapse. Geology 45(6), pp. 523-526.

Coppola, D., Di Muro, A., Peltier, A., Villeneuve, N., Ferrazzini, V., Favalli, M., Bachèlery, P., Gurioli, L., Harris, A.J.L., Moune, S., Vlastélic, I., Galle, B., Arellano, S., Aiuppa, A. (2017) Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 463, pp. 13-24.

Ruolo geodinamico dei processi metamorfici e metasomatici

  • MALUSA’ M., FREZZOTTI M.L., FERRANDO S., BRANDMAYR E., ROMANELLI F., PANZA G.F. (2018): Active carbon sequestration in the Alpine mantle wedge and implications for long-term climate trends. Scientific Reports, 8, 4740, doi. 10.1038/s41598-018-22877-7.
  • DECARLIS A., FELLIN M.G., MAINO M., FERRANDO S., MANATSCHAL G., GAGGERO L., SENO S., STUART F.M., BELTRANDO M. (2017): Tectono-thermal evolution of a distal rifted margin: constraints from the Calizzano Massif (Prepiedmont-Briançonnais domain, Ligurian Alps). Tectonics, 36, 3209-3228, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004634
  • DECARLIS A., BELTRANDO M., MANATSCHAL G., FERRANDO S., CAROSI R. (2017): Architecture of the distal Piedmont-Ligurian rifted margin in NW-Italy: hints for a flip of the rift system polarity. Tectonics, 36, 2388-2406, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004561.
  • FERRANDO S. (2012): Mg-metasomatism of metagranitoids from the Alps: genesis and possible tectonic scenarios. Terra Nova, 24, 423-436. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2012.01078.x

Progetti legati alla ricerca:

PRIN2017 Project - n.2017LMNLAW: "Carbon cycling and Earth control on the livable planet: connecting deep key carbon sources to surface CO2 degassing by transfer processes"

Salvaguardia e gestione della risorsa idrica sotterranea in un contesto di forte sovrasfruttamento

  • Lasagna M, Caviglia C, De Luca DA (2014) Simulation modeling for groundwater safety in an overexploitation situation: the Maggiore Valley context (Piedmont, Italy). Bull Eng Geol Environ (2014) 73:341–355. DOI 10.1007/s10064-013-0500-9
  • De Luca DA, Comina C, Lasagna M, Destefanis E, Masciocco L, Godio A, Stocco S (2018) Effectiveness of geophysical surveys for water wells relocation in overexploited aquifers (the example of Maggiore and Traversola Valleys, Northwestern Italy). Environ Earth Sci (2018) 77:19.
  • Lasagna M, Mancini S, De Luca DA (2019) Aquifer protection from overexploitation: example of actions and mitigation activities used in the Maggiore Valley (Asti Province, NW Italy). Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria 156(1): 30-38. ISSN: 11219041

Progetti legati alla ricerca

  • Convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e l’Ente di Governo dell’Ambito Territoriale Ottimale n. 5 Astigiano Monferrato per l'esecuzione di un programma di ricerca dal titolo: “Conclusione dello studio in corso per la definizione delle aree di salvaguardia delle captazioni acquedottistiche di Vallemaggiore di Cantarana, affiancamento alle attività per la trivellazione di pozzo pilota in comune di Villafranca e nuovo studio sugli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici in atto sulla falda di Valle Maggiore di Cantarana”. Inizio: dicembre 2020, durata: 2 anni. Responsabili scientifici: Domenico De Luca, Manuela Lasagna
  • Accordo di collaborazione istituzionale tra il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Torino e il Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara per un progetto di ricerca inerente la definizione del modello idrogeologico degli acquiferi superficiale e profondo ubicati nelle province di Torino e Asti, tra il Fiume Po a ovest e la Val Maggiore di Cantarana a est. Durata: 6 mesi. Inizio maggio 2021. Responsabili scientifici: Manuela Lasagna, Domenico A. De Luca (DST-UniTO); Gianluca Bianchini (FST-UniFE).

Vulcanologia Multidisciplinare

Cigolini C., Coppola D., Yokoo A., Laiolo M. (2018) The thermal signature of Aso Volcano during unrest episodes detected from space and ground-based measurements. Earth Planets & Space,70, art. N. 67.
Cigolini C., Taticchi T., Alvarado G.E., Laiolo M., Coppola D. (2018) Geological, petrological and geochemical framework of Miravalles-Guayabo caldera and related lavas, NW Costa Rica. J. Volcanology and Geoth. Res. (under review)
Cigolini C., Laiolo M., Coppola D. (2015). Revisiting the last major eruptions of Stromboli volcano: inferences on the role of volatiles during magma storage and decompression. In Zellmer, G. F., Edmonds, M. & Straub, S. M. (eds) The Role of Volatiles in the Genesis, Evolution and Eruption of Arc Magmas. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 410, 143–177.
Cigolini C., M. Laiolo, G. Ulivieri, D. Coppola, M. Ripepe (2013) Radon mapping, automatic measurements and extremely high 222Rn emissions during the 2002–2007 eruptive scenarios at Stromboli volcano, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 264, 49- 65.
Cigolini C., Laiolo M., Bertolino S. (2008). Probing Stromboli Volcano from the Mantle to Paroxysmal Eruptions. In: G. Zellmer & C. Annen Eds. “Dynamics of Crustal Magma Transfer, Storage, and Differentiation – integrating geochemical and geophysical constraints” Geological Society London 304, pp. 33-70. DOI: 10.1144/SP304.3.
Cigolini C., Di Martino M., Laiolo M., Coppola D., Rossetti P., Morelli M. (2012) Endogenous and non-impact origin of the Arkenu Circular Structures, al-Kufrah Basin (SE Libya), METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE (ISSN:1945-5100), pp. 1- 17. Vol. 47/12
Cigolini C. (2007). Petrography and thermobarometry of high-pressure ultramafic ejecta from Mount Vesuvius, Italy: inferences on the deep feeding system. PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA. vol. 76 (2-3), pp. 5-24 (Special Volume in honor of E. Callegari).

Vulcanologia Sperimentale

Prodotti della ricerca/Research Products

  • Giordano D., Garcia-Gonzalez D., Russell J.K., Diego González-García, James K. Russell, Simona Raneri, Danilo Bersani, Laura Fornasini, Danilo Di Genova, Simona Ferrando, Melanie Kaliwoda, Pier Paolo Lottici, Matthijs Smit and Donald B. Dingwell (2019). A calibrated database of Raman spectra for natural silicate glasses: implications for modelling melt physical properties. J. Raman Spectroscopy
  • Giordano D. (2019). Advances in the rheology of natural multiphase silicate melts and implications for magma transport and lava flow emplacement. Ann. Geophys. 61
  • Kolzenburg S., Giordano D., Di Muro A., Dingwell D.B. (2019). Equilibrium Viscosity and Disequilibrium Rheology of a high Magnesium Basalt from Piton De La Fournaise volcano, La Reunion, Indian Ocean, France. Ann. Geophys. 61, 2018; DOI: 4401/ag-7839
  • Giordano D. and Russell J.K. (2018). Toward a Structural Model for the Viscosity of Geological Melts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 501, 202 – 212;
  • Kolzenburg S., Giordano D., Hess K.U., Dingwell D.B. (2018). Shear rate-dependent Disequilibrium Rheology and Dynamics of Basalt Solidification. Geophys. Res. Lett. 10.1029/2018GL07779;
  • Giordano D. and Russell J.K. (2017) The heat capacity of hydrous multicomponent natural melts and glasses. Chem. Geol. 461, 96 -103;
  • Kolzenburg S., Giordano D., Thordarson T., Höskuldsson A., Dingwell D.B. (2017). The rheological evolution of the 2014/15 eruption at Holuhraun, central Iceland. Bull. Volcanol. 79, 45 (DOI: 10.1007/s00445-017-1128-6);
  • Kolzenburg S., Giordano D., Cimarelli C., Dingwell D.B. (2016) In situ thermal characterization of cooling/crystallizing lavas during rheology measurements and implications for lava flow emplacement. Geoch. Cosmoch. Acta, 195, 244 – 258;
  • Giordano D., Polacci M., Papale P., Caricchi L. (2010). Rheological control on the dynamics of explosive activity in the 2000 summit eruption of Mt. Etna. Solid Earth, 1, 61–69;
  • Giordano D., Russell J.K., Dingwell D.B. (2008). Viscosity of magmatic liquids: A model. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 271, 123-134; Google Scholar citations > 643 - Interview of the Thomson Reuters (november 2011) - Science Watch Fast Moving Front papers for the paper Giordano et al. 2008 (EPSL), most cited paper in the specific field of research (Volcanology) for the last 5 years:
  • Other publications:
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